Corn Snake

I spy something yellow.  It’s near tall green stalks in neat straight rows.  

Its…. a CORN Snake

Critter At A Glance

What makes them cool?  Corn Snakes are great mimickers.  They are not venomous, but at a glance they look a lot like a venomous Copperhead Snake.  They also have a way to shake some cartilage on their tail to sound like a Rattlesnake.  They are great climbers and sometimes spend time in trees or in underground burrows or tunnels.  They have an amazing sense of smell which is quite helpful for them since they cannot see too well. 

How do their babies grow up?  Baby Corn Snakes hatch from eggs. Corn Snake eggs do not need a mother or father to sit and incubate them.  Once their mother lays eggs, the eggs are left for over 60 days. The babies are all on their own when they hatch and they do just fine! 

Why are they called CORN Snakes?  Corn Snakes have patterns a lot like actual kernels of corn.  But, they also spend time in corn fields keeping the rodent population under control. Listen in to Mr. Cobb’s special adventure! He learns something very important about his own job. 

Are you ready for an out of this world fact?  

When fully grown, they average between 1.5 feet and 4 feet long. However, the largest recorded corn snake was 6 feet.

Jump into our Summer Story Challenge and become a Critter Protector!

Can you draw your own I Spy picture of a corn snake in corn?  Draw a picture of a Corn Snake hiding in some corn, then see if someone can spot it! 

Share your I Spy picture on Instagram or Facebook! #heymrjim

“Corn Snake | Smithsonian’s National Zoo.” Smithsonian’s National Zoo, 11 Apr. 2018,,resemble%20maize%2C%20or%20Indian%20corn.

“Corn Snakes Facts.” Free Math Worksheets, Free Phonics Worksheets, Math Games and Online Activities and Quizzes, Accessed 9 July 2022.

Jam, Reptile. “23 AWESOME Facts About Corn Snakes - Reptile Jam.” Reptile Jam, 26 Aug. 2021,

Society, National Geographic. “Photo Ark Home Snow Corn Snake | National Geographic Society.” National Geographic Society, Accessed 9 July 2022.


Largemouth Bass

