Bearded Dragon

Have you ever been so hot you had to just sit down and take a rest?  Maybe you don’t love the hot summer days so much, or maybe you actually do! Today’s critter loves to bask in the Australian sun, which is very hot!  Let’s learn about the Bearded Dragon!

1-2-3- Let's go!


Critter At A Glance

What are this critter’s talents? This critter can have different colors, such as red, brown, and yellow.  They have a spiny back and can move pretty fast!  They are good climbers, but their biggest trick happens when they are startled.  They open their mouths, puff out their beard, which is like a lion’s mane made of spikey skin, and breathe in air very quickly to make their bodies look large and intimidating!

What do we know about their life cycle? Bearded Dragons start out as little eggs and the mother can lay anywhere between 11-30 eggs in 1 clutch.  She digs a hole to hide her eggs and then fills in the opening some to hide them. 

What do they need to survive? Bearded Dragons bask in the sun to help maintain their favorite temperature.  They eat fruit, leaves, and bugs or smaller lizards.  Their predators are dingos, larger cats, or birds of prey.  


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Are you ready for an out of this world fact?  

These critters can easily drink from a little bowl of water or a small bit of still water in a puddle, but they have another trick!  During a rain shower, you might just see a Bearded Dragon standing upside down with its back legs on a tree.  They let the water fall down their backs so they can lick the drips as they fall down their snouts! 


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Can you make your own bearded dragon?  

Draw your own or use the tutorial below!

 Share your creations! #heymrjim


“Central Bearded Dragon - The Australian Museum.” The Australian Museum, Accessed 5 May 2022.

<a href=''>x-ray png from</a>


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